Senior Dog Care and Hospice

Senior Dog Care And Hospice

As our pets get older, their bodies change, just like ours. Massage and reiki complement veterinary care to keep your pets in their

best condition as they age. 

Massage for Relieving Aches and Pains

Like seniors, massage is a gentle and effective way for less active dogs to relieve and reduce muscular tension, soreness, and fatigue. Massage reduces trigger point formation, increases range of motion, and tones weak muscles. It helps improve balance and posture


Seniors often suffer from painful arthritic joints. This pain causes a lack of movement, which can lead to worsening the arthritic inflammation. Massage relieves pain and relaxes muscles surrounding the painful joints. Passive range of motion moves synovial fluid throughout the joint, bringing nutrition to damaged cartilage and flushing out inflammatory factors. It can maintain and even improve the range of motion. When there is a painful joint, the body will compensate by moving weight and balance to other body areas and other limbs. This can lead to further problems. Massage keeps this compensation from affecting other parts of the body. 

Massage supports other systems of the body 

Massage supports the immune and lymph system by reducing cortisol levels by activating the relaxation response, decreasing stress, and increasing lymphocyte count and natural killer cells' number and function. Promotes the excretion of metabolic wastes, lymph circulation and reduces swelling. 


Massage dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation, decreases blood pressure and reduces heart rate, reduces ischemia, stimulates the release of acetylcholine and histamine for sustained vasodilation.

Massage can help stimulate digestion and promote evacuation of the colon, relieving intestinal gas. 

Massage helps reduce respiration rate, strengthens the respiratory muscles, and improves pulmonary function. It also increases fluid discharge from the lungs.


Massage can decrease depression by relieving stress. It is soothing and comforting because it directly affects the parasympathetic nervous system for relaxation and mental calm. 


When it is growing closer to saying goodbye to your pet, massage and reiki are very gentle ways to help them be more comfortable and peaceful. I will also teach you a gentle massage routine you can do to help soothe your pet's pain and bring calmness to both of you

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